Now, I think you'll realize that I only have a handful of authors at this point (let's see if I can name them all...Kita, Ms. Jellicle, Kashmir (I'm adding something from Elise soon too) and Oh my goodness! That's it! Oh dear, that's less than a handful. I hope that will soon change. I don't write myself (I start them, & I never finish...not good enough a writer, I s'pose), so that's minus 1. Maybe I will....someday. But for now, I'd positively love it if any of you aspiring authors would send me any fanfic(s) that you would like the public to be able to read. Just email me with them.
In the email include the fanfic. If it's too long...send it to me in parts. Just don't attatch it so I have to download it.....some people do that to me when they wrote it w/ some kind of program & then I can't read it b/c my computer can't read the file. I just cut & paste. I don't skip parts, but I do fix spelling errors (it's a pet peeve of mine). You can also include any directions for me like what name I should put as the author, how many parts.....whatever you deem necessary to tell me. Also, if you have any questions, email me with them & I'll try my best to answer them. Well, thank you for taking the time to read this....back to the Realm.